When Silver Linings Rip, Stitch ‘Em Up

Well.  That’s a deep thought now isn’t it?

On a more surface level – hello.  Again.

Looks like I ended up on an unintentional LOA from here.  Again.

Had a couple minor health setbacks and one biggie.  Fell at work and broke a few ribs.  Ouch.  Still ouchies but back to work at least, on modified duties.

What was I up to while AWOL?  Lots actually.  So much so, I probably have enough content for at least a dozen more posts rambling around in my noggin.  But for now, here’s a bit of how I stopped myself from going stir-crazy the last couple of months.  And yes, I know I’m still crazy, but in a standing still with the world spinning around me kinda way.  I don’t get as dizzy this way.  And it’s more fun.

I listened and learned.  Listened and didn’t learn.  And sometimes didn’t listen at all.  But I did discover Stitcher – what took me so long?  I now listen to at least one podcast daily. Any favourites to recommend?  Here’s one of mine.

I wrote.  And wrote.  And wrote.  But not on the computer, not for the book, and obviously not for here.  With the ribs situation, I found it was easier for me to handwrite.  So I went back to analog.  And I finally started bullet journalling.  Anyone else do that out there?

I read and read and re-read.  Books, blogs, newsletters, journals, online course materials, and research for a new book idea.  About to finish Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven.  Yes, Admiral, I do want to change the world so thanks for calling me a sugar cookie.  I’ve never been called out on something in such endearing terms.
Well (there’s that deep thought again), I guess that’s enough for me for today.  Better go off to one of my journals and do a brain dump of all the posts I would like to write.  Any suggestions on topics you’re interested in seeing?

You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can
tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations.

Zig Ziglar


Featured image: Markus Grossalber user on Flickr.com

Listen to music.  It could save your soul.
Be kind.  It could save someone’s world.
Wear a hat.  It could save your life.

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