Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Of The Soul

Recently I found out I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).  As is the case for many, I had no clue I had it until my hand and arm started going to sleep at night, with pain shooting up to as far as my shoulder.  Doc sent me to a neurologist who did a nerve study and told me on a scale of 1 to 10, my CTS was already an 8.  Damn.  Good news is surgery, although forthcoming, is avoidable for now.  The night pains have been halted by wearing a splint while I sleep, and that along with some modifying of how I use my arm, are keeping it at bay.  The knife won’t have to come out of its sterile box until the CTS starts interfering with work and daily living.

Nerve is today’s Daily Prompt.  My first reaction when I saw it was the phrase “you’ve got a lot of nerve.”  That got me thinking – do I have a lot of nerve?  (in a good way that is)  Well, some I guess.  I’ve shaved my head bald for a fundraiser for cancer.  I faced up to my drinking problem and got sober.  I’ve quit a job, without another one in sight even, to stay true to myself and my values.  Okay, a few points on the scorecard of life.  But what about the rest of my scorecard? Continue reading