Where In The World Is Sandi Carmenego?

They say we’re all connected by 6 or fewer degrees of separation.  Well, let’s play a little game very loosely based on that.  In the comments, state your first name and where you live.  Then also add a line for the first name of a family member or friend who lives somewhere else.  If possible, mention someone who lives in another country or at least another province / state / region from you.  Let’s see how many dots connect us, at least by where we live if not by the people we know.

Bonus points awarded to any commenter whose name is Sandi Carmenego, or knows someone with that name.  Why?  Just because I made it as an anagram out of the kids show character Carmen Sandiego but when I searched it in Google in quotation marks, it said there were no results. Continue reading

I Ain’t Got No Couth


According to The Emily Post Institute, there are 15 pieces to a formal table setting.  And look – there are count ’em, FOUR forks in it!  Or is that thingy to the far right of the plate not a fork contraption???



My mama and my god-mother, bless their souls, tried to teach me the semantics of proper setting of the dinner table.  They were raised in the 30’s and 40’s and that was just what they did back then.  I hope they somehow have now managed to rest in peace that while I may have memorized it well enough to visually pull it off, gosh forbid that I ever actually remembered what to do with any of it all or which order it all should be used in.  Or any other proper dining etiquette beyond the basic P’s & Q’s and remembering to NOT tuck my napkin in at my neck and into my bra to catch spills. Continue reading